Sunday 17 November 2013

Cost Summary - Break Down of What it Costs to be on the Road Traveling Australia

       14/3/2013 - Hitting the Road - Brian, Noelle, James, The Beast, The Van and The Boat

Given that we are now staying put for a couple of months, free camping in the bush on the banks of the Murray at Yarrawonga, I have summarized our journey since leaving Melbourne on March 14th this year to "Travel Oz".

Every morning of our travels I have kept a detailed journal of where we've been and what we've done (usually summarized in my weekly Blog Post), a record of all our expenditure and how it was spent and, of course kilometers covered. The Nomads Notes program I use makes this process really easy.

Here is a summary of our trip:

Up until we arrived back on the Murray River on Wednesday, November 6th. we were on the road for a total of 233 days, camping at 67 different locations for an average stay of 3.48 nights in each spot. Our shortest stay was one day, our longest stays were at Bingara NSW - 12 nights, Daly River NT - 11 nights, Yeppoon Qld - 11 nights (first time), 10 nights (second time), Stanage Qld - 10 nights,  Isisford Qld - 9 nights and Inskip Point Qld - 9 nights. Our furthest-most points of travel were Darwin NT, El Questro WA, King Ash Bay Qld and Port Douglas Qld.

Our total accommodation cost was $4226, averaging out at $18.14 per night over the 233 days. 124 nights were spent in caravan parks at an average of $31.08. The most we paid for a night in a caravan park was $45 at Bucacia Beach Caravan Park, Mackay and The Lakes Caravan Park, Townsville. Most of our camping was free or cost only a few dollars. Lots of towns provide safe, attractive, camping options in parks, on river banks or beach-side. It is used extensively by Nomads and can be quite social, though there are usually private areas as well. The main consideration is timing. We always planned to arrive early afternoon at the latest to secure a good spot, then do a recce of the area before deciding where to set up. Camps 7 was our best guide to free camp options and the facilities (if any) available. Many Nomads only free camp and often stay weeks or months in the one place (like we are now - on the banks of the Murray at Yarrawonga as it's the BEST spot in Australia).

We traveled a total of 27,958 kilometers in The Beast - our 2012 Mazda BT-50, without a hitch, consuming 4742 litres of diesel costing $7758.59. That works out at 28 cents/km or 16.96 litres per 100 km. The average price we paid for fuel was $1.64 per litre, with the most expensive re-fill costing $2.30/ltr at El Questro. The Beast was serviced twice at a total cost of $950.

Our other costs were as follows:
                                               Groceries - $5471
                                               Dining out (mostly daily cappuccino's) - $2507.80
                                               Wine and Beer (consumed at the van) - $3170.41
                                               Drinks at pubs, clubs etc (not food) -  $1407
                                               Sightseeing/admissions - $1224
                                               Chemist (not scripts) - $194.85
                                               Purchases of hardware/bits and pieces for car, van etc - $1789.63
                                               Gas bottle swap/refill - $483.79
                                               Laundromat (washing machines only) - $165
                                               Fishing (licenses, bait, lures etc) - $359.60
                                               Boat fuel - $291.30
                                               Generator fuel - $98.89
                                               Repairs - $489
                                               Golf - $233
                                               Internet access - $33
                                               Reading material (downloads for kindles, audio books) - $74
                                               Firewood - $27
                                               Car wash - $43.50
                                               Caravan service - $357.25

All up we spent $31344.91 over 233 days, which averages out to $134.52 per day. That would extrapolate out to $49,100 PA to live on the road. Clearly others would do it cheaper if they drank less coffee and alcohol!

Logistically, living the life of a Grey Nomad is a breeze. The apprehensions I held before departure were mostly around the bad "what ifs" -  illness, invasion, breakdown, accident, loneliness, expense, boredom, missing family, friends and home, traveling with a dog - the list goes on. Now I have no real concerns. We haven't had any problems that were insurmountable and we both really love the life. There are so many people, single women included, who are on the road and largely living from free camp to free camp with no safety and security issues - and many clearly on a much tighter budget than ours. They all love it.

Our time so far on the road has surpassed my expectations. It is dangerously addictive. If there's one thing I would say to any of my Blog readers it is - Just do it - you are a bloody long time dead! The hardest part is actually making the decision to live your dream.

We're now staying put for a couple of months at our favorite spot, so I'll be a bit short on material to blog about. I'll start posting again in February when we get back on the road and share more of our experiences Traveling Oz. 

Thanks for reading.  

Sunday 10 November 2013

Bingara - Walgett - West Wyalong, NSW and Yarrawonga, VICTORIA

By Sunday we were starting to think about moving on from Bingara. We would both have been happy to stay a few more days but with less than 4 weeks to get to Porepunkah in Victoria, we figured we should get a wriggle on. We might come across another spot that we love and want to spend a few days. While I was doing my weekly Blog, Brian pulled out the maps and Camps 7. We had been intending to go south to Lake Keepit, but I wanted to visit Bourke, which was northwest. Brian read a travel article about Trilby Station and it looked interesting, so we gave them a call to check we could come, which was ok, and the Darling River on which the station sits was still flowing, which it was - sort of. Excellent - decision made - westward ho! The next consideration was when to depart. Maybe Tuesday.

Sunday was going to be hot. A Total Fire Ban was in place. The wind started to get up mid morning and with it so did the the tiny puffs of smoke from the remains of the bushfire which was still smoldering a couple of kilometers away. It was quite a hot walk into town for our morning coffee and really quiet when we got in there. The Nomad presence in Bingara had died off massively in the twelve days since our arrival. The pretty main street was all but empty, which provided a perfect opportunity for me to photograph the murals that were painted on the walls of various buildings.

As soon as we got back to the boat ramp near the van James was in the river in a flash. He needed to cool down big time.

From the van we could see that the smoke had really intensified along with the wind strength while we were in town. We jumped in the Beast and drove to a spot where we had a clear view of the fire. It was really getting a hold. We decided to ready ourselves once again for evacuation. That meant packing everything away, so it made sense to plan our departure for Monday instead of Tuesday.

Brian spent the afternoon putting stuff away, the Webber included, and invited me to dinner at the pub. What a great idea, especially seeing as we couldn't have a fire. We hadn't dined out since we were in Cairns back in September. We wandered into town around 6.30 and had a couple of beautiful meals that were ridiculously cheap. By the time we got back the wind had died down and so had the fire, though the ridge was aglow and looked amazing in the evening light.

We had the van all packed by 8 Monday morning but didn't hitch. Instead we went into town to the dump point, bought supplies and a hose at the IGA/hardware store and had coffee. By the time we'd connected the van and filled up with water at the park it was ten o'clock. Our plan was for a fairly easy sub-200 kilometer run south west to Narrabri, then north west to Burren Junction for an overnight.

The drive across to Narrabri went through the Mount Kaputar National Park, with some large, irregularly shaped peaks. Once on the other side the landscape really began to flatten out and get more of a barren 'outback' feel to it. The area is 'cotton country' and all along the roadside are little balls of white fluff. It actually looks a bit untidy. Narrabri was quite a nice spot. Proclaimed as a town in 1860, it now has around 7000 residents. As a Regional Centre it has a large shopping precinct and all the services of a big town. It sits on the Namoi River at the junction of the Newell Highway and the Kamilaroi Highway, named after the Kamilaroi People who still form a significant portion of the population.

Twenty-five kilometers west of Narrabri is The Australia Telescope Compact Array. We detoured from the main route to have a look. Located at the Paul Wild Observatory, it is an array of six 22 meter antennas used for radio astronomy. Five of the dishes can be moved along a three-kilometre railway track. The sixth antenna is situated three kilometres west of the end of the main track. Each dish weighs about 270 tonnes. While we were there the dish in front of the visitor centre was being re-directed and we watched the huge dish change the direction it was pointing. The images on display in the centre are mind-boggling. The size of the universe is incomprehensible to me. I can't get my head around how insignificant Earth is in the 'Big Picture'.

From the ATCP it was a short hop to Wee Waa which Brian had flown over on several occasions. He was keen to have a look. Wee Waa is Australia's Cotton Capital and sits on the Namoi River. According to my research it is a rural community encompassing several outlying smaller towns situated in the rich agricultural heartland of the Lower Namoi Valley. The Aboriginal meaning of Wee Waa is "Fire for Roasting", and it was the first town on the Namoi River, having had its beginnings in 1837. The birthplace of Australia's modern cotton industry, in April the area apparently transforms into a snowy white landscape from horizon to horizon as the cotton harvest gets under way. The town has 2 motels, 4 schools, a preschool, ABC Learning Centre, 2 hotels and 2 Caravan Parks as well as several eating-places, a swimming pool, picturesque 9-hole golf course, bowling club, tennis courts, a modern sporting complex, a hostel for the aged and a new medical centre. (The web is a wealth of information!)

Burren Junction was another 50 kilometers on. Camps 7 showed a free rest area by an artesian hot spring. I thought a lovely soak in a thermal spring would be a great idea to end the day. Wrong! It was horrible. The area sat out on a barren, dusty flat plain with a railway line and the highway right beside it and not another soul in sight. The swimming hole was a grubby concrete pool and the water in looked really manky. We pulled up, had lunch and decided to travel another 90 kilometers on to Walgett. As we left we passed by the local pub. It had a sign out front saying it was a "Husband Day Care Centre" - very funny!

When we got to Walgett we made a fairly spontaneous decision not to stay any longer than one night. Judging by the bars on most shop fronts in the main street it might not be the friendliest place. That might have been jumping to an unfair conclusion, but it was sooo different to Bingara I think we went into culture shock. We opted to prop at Alex Trevallion Park, near the airport. It was actually quite nice for a council freebie - well maintained, clean with shady trees, water, bins, picnic tables, bbq's, toilets and dump point. We lit a fire and cooked up a delicious beef roast in the Webber.

Tuesday. Melbourne Cup Day. Brian had received an email about his aviation medical (which he had lost) and decided he needed to get home (to Victoria) and sort it out ASAP. Bugger! He had 'get-home-itis' (much to my chagrin) and we drove south from 8am until nearly 5pm, eventually stopping for the night at the caravan park at West Wyalong. We left West Wyalong at 7.30 am Wednesday, our destination Yarrawonga. We had always planned to go there, but later in the month in time for my niece's wedding on the 30th. Never mind - the Mighty Murray River is my favorite place in the world and Yarrawonga my second home.

It was early afternoon when we set up in the bush (free camping - no amenities) right on the riverfront, opposite the golf course and just a 2km walk out of town. We chose a spot that had good access down to the river and space enough for family and friends to join us in their tents and vans during the 3 months we planned to stay. Brian still had to get a further 350 km to Tyabb, but was pretty tired so decided to spend the night before going back. With some business stuff to sort out as well as his medical he would be south for a few days. He got me organised with everything I would need to be on the river alone. He put up the small tent so it would look like there were more people around for security purposes (and it could be our 'Guest Bedroom'), set up the generator, refilled gas and fuel and off loaded the water bottles and other stuff I would need. I would drive back with him the next morning to pick up my car (which was being looked after by our dear friend, Blackie), then drive straight back to Yarrawonga so the van would not be left empty overnight.

We left the Murray around 8am Thursday and arrived at Blackie's around midday. It was lovely to catch up again with Rob and Jill, but I still had another four hours of driving ahead once I detoured to pick up a few things. I was also mindful it was Oaks Day and didn't want to get caught in traffic transiting Melbourne. It was nice to get back in my little 'Deuey' car again (Mazda Maax 3 Sport). James even got to take up his 'normal' spot in my car, the front passenger seat (with harness on). We stopped for coffee, fuel and a loo break on the way up the Hume and had a great run, then just out of Benalla I pulled over and loaded on some firewood from the roadside. By the time we got back to the van it was 5.35pm. We had covered a lot of territory in three days...poor James. It was a really warm evening, but I lit a fire anyway we sat out front of the van just relaxing by the river.

After a very comfortable, quite warm night, I was awakened by the screeching of Cockies at daybreak. They made a heck of a racket! I fired up the generator and got on my laptop to sort out my Nomads Notes Travel Journal. I decided I should end the trip we started almost 8 months ago so I could summarize all the data and start a new trip as of Thursday. Three months on the Murray would skew the figures too much. That took a while so It was after nine before I was done.

At 9.30 James and I headed into town on foot through the bush. It was only a kilometer at most through to the back of the caravan park, then maybe another kilometer into the main street. The place was abuzz with a Hot Rod and Classic Car Rally that was happening over the weekend. The cars were amazing. It was really festive and fun. James got smothered in attention by passers-by as I sat and had coffee. He loved that. We wandered along the street and checked out all the new changes to the shopping strip. I'ts less than a year since I was in Yarrawonga, but there have been lots of shops come and go, some relocation's and some new buildings. It seems to have grown quite a bit. On the way back toward the caravan park we met an old guy in a gopher. He reminded me of my dad. He wanted to pat James, so we got into a conversation. He loved dogs and did dog minding. never know when that might come in handy! His name was Peter and he gave me his phone number.

We were back by 11.30. I hadn't done any housework in the van since arriving at Yarrawonga and and it was disgusting. I spent a couple of hours cleaning and re-arranging cupboards and stuff, then worked out a way to manually siphon the 20 litre water containers into the van without stuffing my back up. Around 3.30 I left James on the bed and took the empty water containers, the rubbish and the toilet over to Muwala (across the river and in NSW) to do a dump and water pickup. There were so many old and interesting cars just cruisin' was excellent. The cops had set up a breathalyzer on the NSW side of the bridge. They were clearly going to keep a really tight rein on all the rev-heads over the weekend. I managed to work out how to fill the containers with water without lifting them. They are really too heavy for me when full. On the way back I popped into the ski club (mum's old favorite haunt), had a champs and a poke. I put $29 in a machine and walked away with $40.20. My mum must have been giving me some assistance from above I think. When I got back home I topped off the water and lit the fire. The evening was quite a bit cooler, so my fire was bigger than the first night. I cooked yummy lamb chops and roast veggies on the Webber.

Saturday morning was cool. The wind had changed to a moderate southerly and it took some time before James and I ventured out. We took the bush track into Nosh, one of our favorite cafes, leaving the van around 11am. It was partially sunny with the temperature in the low 20's.

Yarrawonga feels like my second home. Mum and dad lived here for close to 20 years, so I had made the three and a half hour northerly trek from my place at Seaford many,many times. I always stayed at least a night - often longer. Pretty well all of our major family do's had been held at the house in Mary Court and Brian and I had bush-camped on the Murray in the area lots of times since getting the van in 2011. With the passing of both my parents, the sale of their house almost a year ago and our 8 month trek around Australia, it's probably 10 months since my last visit. It feels sooo good to be here.

If I thought Yarrawonga was busy Friday, Saturday it was frenetic. It was difficult to cross the street with streams of immaculately presented old cars and hot rods cruising up and down, very slowly. There were groups of people looking under lifted bonnets, standing around cars chatting and wandering along the footpaths. What great fun. It was getting on for 1pm by the time we got back to the van.

After lunch, a read and a rest I left James in the van and went exploring in Deuey. First stop was Mary Court to see how our old house looked. I was pleased to see that it was getting some TLC. The front garden and lawn had been given a makeover and a new set of side gates did give the place a nice lift. I think mum and dad would be pleased. Next to the Yacht Club to check out the "Sparnon Tree". It had been planted in the lawn in front of the clubhouse in honor of my parents who were Honorary Life Members. It needs a weed (which I will do after forecast rains in the next few days), but aside from that the Apple Gum has lots of lovely, healthy new growth. From there I went to the Rowing Club where we had spread dad's ashes. There has been a bit of recent housing development in the area and it has a new road in and the lake edges have been landscaped. Finally I stopped at the park in front of Lake Mulwala to check out a display of timber speed boats. Some of them were beautifully crafted.

The main street was being closed from 4pm to 10pm for "The Cruise". When I got back from my drive I took the bikes off the van and got mine dusted off and set up so I could ride back in to town for a look. It had cooled significantly by 6pm, so for the first time in several months I put on long pants. Bugger eh! It only took a few minutes to ride the bush track into Belmore Street. I parked and locked the bike up by the Post Office and did a wander to the lake end of the street, taking lots of photos on the way. There were spectators everywhere, heaps of cars and police in droves. I stopped at "The Deck" at the Criterion Hotel where I was able to get an elevated view of the action while sipping on a chardy.


It was nearly eight by the time I got back to the van. Time for a nice big fire and some dinner.

In my next Blog post I will detail all the data, costs etc from our trip to this point.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Bingara, North Central NSW

The smell of smoke was quite strong when we woke up Sunday morning. With daylight we could see the valley was very hazy and wisps of smoke were rising from behind the ridge, so clearly the fire was still burning. After breakfast we headed up to the lookout. Not surprisingly the township of Bingara and the surrounding area was blanketed with smoke, so much so that we couldn't see much more than from the van. While out and about we popped a couple of loads of washing into the machines at the local caravan park, filled our 50 litre water bottles at the adjacent park, emptied the dunny at the showground dump point, bought worms and had coffee. When we arrived back at the van an hour or so later the plumes of smoke were looking much more serious. My phone app 'Fires Near Me' had the front 2km from our camp and "Being Controlled", though it didn't appear so to us. The main comforting factor was the wide Gwydir River separating us from the fire.

At midday we settled in to watch the coverage of the Gold Coast 600 car racing on TV with a close eye on the fire. It wasn't long before we had three aircraft buzzing around - a fire spotter and two water bombers. The bombing aircraft flew in circles 180 degrees apart taking it in turns to do low passes along the front just behind the top of the ridge to drop their loads. That continued for a couple of hours with re-loading stops at an airstrip a few kilometers to the west. The smoke seemed to subside a bit.

On and off throughout the afternoon we chatted to our neighbouring campers, Keith and Janet who were also watching the front. Keith was a V8 fan and Holden supporter like us so he came and joined us in front of the TV. When the coverage was over Janet came over and we sat out beside the river enjoying a few drinks while generally chewing the fat. They were having a holiday in their Winnebago and due to be back home in Bundaberg in a week's time to start work. They were great company.

As evening approached we started to see the red glow of the fire. It was burning slowly over the top of the ridge along a front of maybe a few hundred meters. The intensity had definitely gone out of it though it did continue to creep slowly down the slope toward the river. We arranged with Keith and Janet to alert each other during the night if any of us became concerned, and went to bed fairly confident that we were not in harms way.

The smoke had largely cleared by Monday morning. There was still a little rising from half way down the ridge and a bit from what appeared to be the far river bank some distance away, our view being blocked by the terrain.

It was a beautiful day, calm and warm with a bit of fair weather cu. We walked briskly into town for our coffees only to find the Roxy Cafe closed. There were several other options so we chose one of the two pubs. Both have al-fresco cafes opening out onto the main street. The cappuccinos weren't bad, though not as good as the Roxy.

When we got back we jumped in the Beast and drove toward the smoke to see what was happening. About 3 km along the road we came abeam the fire and could see that it was still burning a little. We didn't consider it a threat to us. The light breeze was blowing it in the opposite direction to our camp anyway.

We decided while on the road to explore the northern side of Bingara, across the river. It was mostly parkland with a few houses, and a sign that indicated more camping. We checked it out and found a kilometer or so of free river-front camping in a large, open paddock that was stocked with horses. It looked across the river to the back of town and the golf course. Bingara certainly is set up to accommodate lots of Nomads and holiday makers!  The river in this area was much shallower and very fast flowing, with small sections of rapids. There were only a handful of campers set up. It would be a good option if you got crowded in as we did by the silly old fart who squeezed in at our original spot 8 km east of town.

On the way home we noticed an old bloke standing on the roadside opposite the caravan park directing motor-homes down the track where we were camped. We had expected a bit of a Grey Nomad inundation with the finish of the Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia's rally at Narrabri the day before. Sure enough, there were 10 or so RV's all tucked in together by the boat ramp. That was ok - were were further in so they didn't impact us.

By early afternoon the wind had sprung up, the plumes of smoke intensified and the fire bomber returned . Shortly after an SES vehicle with lights flashing appeared on our track and an SES Volunteer got out to speak with us. He advised there were concerns about the fire getting out of control with strong winds forecast in the coming day or two. He said we should be prepared to evacuate at short notice to the showgrounds if it got out of hand, and to keep a very close watch on it. We packed up the bikes, generator, Webber and TV just in case so we could make a reasonably quick exit, but we were not particularly concerned. Keith and Janet decided to leave. They were planning to go the following day anyway.

We drove back to view the fire 3 km up the road, then up to the lookout to get our bearings on just how close to us it really was. There were 3 ridges it needed to traverse to get to us, and probably 5 km of river front. The fire bomber had quietened it down again and the wind was still blowing it in the opposite direction. Our risk assessment was that we were safe for the time being and would stay put. We detoured past the showgrounds on the way back and all the motor-homes had relocated there. We were the only ones on the river in the boat ramp area.

The rest of the day we sat outside reading with our lines in the river and one eye on the smoke. By dusk the wind had all but disappeared, the smoke had all but dissipated and we relaxed by our own small, well-controlled campfire. Tomorrow we would re-assess. Willy Weather had 40 - 60 kph winds forecast from 9am with thunderstorms.

It stayed calm all night and through until about eight Tuesday morning when the wind started to blow up slightly. Looking back toward the fire we could see small wisps of smoke rising gently from a couple of places low on the hill. It appeared to be all but out. Hour by hour the wind picked up speed. It was a northwesterly, so blowing the fire away from us. Brian rolled up the awning and we packed loose objects away.

We walked into town, had coffee at the Roxy and stopped for a chat on the road with Mozz and Marg who were leaving Bingara. They were our next door neighbours at Sunnyside camp area before the whinging old bugger slotted in between us, forcing us to move out. They hadn't been able to see the fire from their camp as they were a few ridges around on the upwind side. The first they knew about it was when the SES visited them Monday afternoon advising them to prepare for evacuation.

                                                           The Roxy Cafe

By late morning the sky was looking pretty ominous and we could hear thunder. We went for a bit of a tourist drive around some of the back roads before picking up a load of groceries, fuel for the Beast and the generator, a refill on one of the gas bottles and 40 litres of water from the park. The wind was really starting to howl by then, and when we got back to the van the fire was well alight and burning up the hill. It was lucky the wind was blowing it back on its own path and toward a fire break the SES said they had made on the back side of the ridge.

We spent the afternoon mostly in the van on computers, watching the fire and keeping out of the wind and odd shower. By dusk the wind had pretty much abated and the smoke and flames had disappeared over the ridge leaving the entire hillside a glowing mass of red coals which died down as the night wore on.

Wednesday we hit the golf course quite early. The local Sports Club runs  a rather modest combined activities facility - 9 hole course, tennis and bowls. I'd phoned a few days earlier and been told we could play whenever we wanted, we just needed to put $10 per person in the honesty box near the first hole. They didn't have any buggies but we could hire a cart from the little shop across the road. When we got to the course we noticed a 'No Dogs' sign. That was a pain cos we had James with us. Before we went to the trouble to take him back to the van we figured we'd better make sure the cart was available. I popped into the store and in chatting with the owner he said not to worry about having James - he could sit in the cart and it wouldn't be a problem.

With James under strict instruction not to move from his seat between Brian and me we loaded our bags on the back of the cart and headed off. The course runs alongside the river and is quite well maintained. We found the tees a bit fluffy and in need of a mow, but the greens were ok, if not a bit rough. With plenty of river water available it was all pretty green. It's quite an easy course. There is no rough to speak of, it's basically flat and very few hazards. We both started off poorly, which was not unexpected given the last time we'd played was in Yeppoon several weeks before. By the end of the first hole we decided not to score - it would be too painful. We just played for fun and I had a hoot driving the buggy like a go cart around the track, making sure to stay at full speed, go over any bumps and hills I could find and do wheelies around each ball. Clearly there was no-one else on the course! James wasn't so keen on my antics, but he coped and stayed put despite his urge to chase every ball we hit.

After golf it was coffee, then we dropped into the Post Office to find our Wingman had arrived. We filled up with water at the park, siphoned it into the tanks when we got home and I did the house work abandoned earlier, while Brian pulled the lid off the front tub and did some panel beating. He had lots of interruptions with his phone constantly ringing. Some days he has heaps of sales inquiries and this was one of them. As usual the wind came up as the day wore on and there were little flare-ups on the side of the hill. We were now well in the habit of keeping an eye on the fire activity. Some new neighbours arrived and set up in the spot Keith and Janet had vacated which delighted James, as he got to socialize with their little dog.

The rest of the day was spent fishing (with no luck), a drive out toward Narrabri  to collect firewood, reading, Word With Friends, more fishing with a change of lure and a few evening drinks in front of the fire before a yummy lamb cutlet dinner. We topped that off with a game of Canasta - which I won. You beauty!

It was the last Thursday in the month which meant Brian had to do his ads for Aviation Trader. That always takes a bit of time. Once done we walked into town for coffee. There was an old house just back from the main street that I wanted to photograph so we detoured from our normal route on the way in. That took us past a vacant lot between two properties pretty well in the heart of town. An old fella was hanging over the fence feeding a heap of tame kangaroos with bread. James was enthralled, particularly when I lifted him up and he got to rub noses with the biggest kangaroo who was not in the least worried about a dog. The old guy said they had lived there for ever. Some were rescued when their mothers were killed on the roads.

A few doors down the old shack sat derelict in the middle of a large corner block. As I was taking photos an elderly lady came by and said we could go onto the property if we liked. The house had belonged to her mother. She put its age at around 150 years, which would make it one of the oldest houses in the area. It's amazing how anyone could live in something so tiny.

When we got back from town James raced to the water's edge in front of the van to get a drink. He saw something and started to chase it into the water. Brian gave a shriek "It's a snake". I screamed at James to get back, which he didn't do, but fortunately the snake was not in an aggressive mood and slithered into the water. It swam along the bank right in front of the van and disappeared under some tree roots a couple of feet away. We didn't think James had been bitten, but man, did we get a fright! It would seem we'd been living with a snake right under us. I shivered when I remembered how many times I had sat on the edge of the bank right over those roots with my feet in the water. And James drank from that spot all the time. Scary! We'd certainly have to keep a close watch on James and be careful ourselves. I checked him over thoroughly and kept a really close eye on him for a few hours, but he was fine - thank God!

In the afternoon we pulled the TV out from under the bed to check if the Winegard Wingman made any difference to reception. It sure did! We had been able to get 10 channels before the Wingman and when we re-tuned the telly we got 34 channels. Amazing eh!

Brian still had a bit of work to do so I jumped on the bike late in the afternoon and went for a ride out to the cemetery. I took some back roads and on the way came across the "All Nations Goldmine" monument. The goldmine can't have been a particularly successful venture given it only yielded 15.5 kg of gold from 1860 to 1948. It was a really interesting old piece of machinery and gave me an excellent opportunity to play with the camera on my new Samsung Galaxy 111 Note phone. I was pretty impressed with the results!

The cemetery was down the hill from the monument and sat out in the middle of a dry, barren landscape. It was pretty run down with lots of graves in bad repair as a result of time (so it appeared) rather than vandalism. It is still in use so some of the graves are quite recent, though most were quite old. I wandered around reading the epitaphs. The oldest ones I could find were in the 1870's but there were headstones with dates ranging all through the decades.

I got back to the van an hour or so later, just in good time to grab one of Brian's icy cold VB's and have a few mouthfuls to quench my raging thirst before lighting the evening fire. We considered moving on given the close proximity of our snaky friend, but we really love Bingara and our gorgeous location on the Gwydir. It's a place you could stay for a very long time.

Some mornings we fluff around unbelievably. We were awake as usual by about by 6am Friday, but it was well after nine when I finally got out of bed. All that time I spent doing my Nomads Notes, playing card games on the laptop, doing Words with one of the six opponents I currently have and researching stuff online. It's so relaxing sitting up in bed enjoying beautiful views of river and countryside while waiting for the temperature to climb into the 20's, which seems to happen by about 8am. Brian was not so slothful. He was up working and making me scrambled eggs on toast. It's just possible we might live this fancy-free Grey Nomad life for a very, very long time.

We walked into town late morning for coffee. Friday was the first of November, Bingara's Pink Ribbon Day. The main street was alive with pink. All the shops had put out pink decorations, the locals had pink clothes and pink hair and the pub was selling pink sausages and mash for lunch. A decorated cart being drawn by two big Clydesdales covered in pink ribbons and with pink legs was doing circuits of the town, carrying the kindy kids who were all, of course, in pink. It was quite festive. After coffee I popped my head into the hairdressers. I needed a trim and with the wedding coming up in four weeks I wasn't game to let Brian loose on it. Last time he gave me a bald spot right in the middle of the back. It would cost $15 and she could fit me in. Excellent!

There were a couple of things we'd noticed about Bingara that puzzled us. First, why did all the water meters on front lawns have tyres over them? We came up with all sorts of possible reasons, but didn't managed to hit the nail on the head. We posed the question to a council worker fixing a leaking water main. It's to protect from frost. Of course - why didn't we know that! The other strange thing was that most of the houses in town are quite old, modest dwellings, yet ninety percent of them have new Colorbond roofing. The postie cleared that one up for us. About a year ago Bingara was hit by a massive hail storm and everyone's roof got badly damaged. There have been crews working for months replacing them. It's actually given the town a bit of a face-lift. Those that still sport the old tin do look pretty shabby by comparison.

Several times each day since arriving in Bingara we would throw lines in the river. We knew there were fish, and big ones too. They were leaping quite high out of the water then crashing back. You could hear the loud splashes by both day and night. As soon as one did it we'd throw a line to that spot. We tried everything - prawns, worms and multiple different lures but could not even get a bite. It was so frustrating. A couple of guys in a tinnie had tied off to a snag in front of us the day before. They were using lures that looked like Christmas tree decorations. We'd have to investigate that.

Saturday morning we drove into town as we needed to empty the dunny at the showgrounds and get a few messages. After coffee we went to the butcher and picked up some beautiful locally grown meat, fresh bread from the bakery and a bike lock at the hardware store. We'd decided we should be a little more security conscious. We had been leaving camp (sometimes) with $4,000 worth of bikes, $500 worth of solar panels, $1500 worth of car fridge, $500 worth of generator and $300 worth of  Webber all sitting outside just waiting to be lifted. We did have a couple of bike locks and sometimes we'd lock the generator and bikes together and the car fridge to the caravan wheel, but we weren't particularly diligent with it. We discussed it and agreed we would likely get done over at some time and should get more serious, hence the purchase of the third lock.

While in the hardware store we located the fishing section and found the Christmas decoration lures - AKA 'The Original Chatter Bait' - "Patent pending design delivers unmatched vibration, sound and erratic action" (sounds like a sex toy!). There were all manner of sparkling colours, so with the help of the store manager who had been fishing the Gwydir for 21 years, I chose two at the bargain price of $12.99 each.

                                   Multi-purpose lures - earrings? Christmas decorations?

Back at camp Brian set up my rod with the sparkly gold and black lure. It felt great to use. With a bit of weight to it I was able to get quite a distance on the cast and it vibrated beautifully as it was reeled back in. I played with it for a while, as did Brian, then we switched to the blue and white one. We both loved the feel, though as usual, we didn't get a bite.

Late afternoon, after we had done a wood collection from the roadside at the lookout and filled our water containers up, we were just settling into happy hour by the fire when a chubby youngster came running up to our camp. He and a couple of mates were fishing a little way down the river. He looked to be maybe 10 years old or thereabouts. He was quite out of breath. "There's a big snake. It just swam across the river and slithered out right where we were fishing". After a bit of questioning it seemed the boys had  dropped their rods and high-tailed it up the bank. They needed assistance to retrieve their rods. Thank goodness for "Super Grumpy"! He leapt to the rescue and saved the day. Some time later another of the boys came over for assistance. He had caught a Cod (which it was illegal to keep, being out of season) and it had swallowed the hook. He was quite upset that he was going to harm the fish in trying to remove it. It was "Super Grumpy" to the rescue again. He managed to remove the hook and the fish swam away. The young fellow was very relieved. That was the second Cod he'd caught for the day. I just had to know what bait he was using. Why, chicken chips of course (silly me - what else would you use!). You buy them at the fish and chip shop in town.

It had become very quiet on the riverbank where we were. Our neighbours had moved out on Thursday and we were the sole camp in the whole boat-ramp area. The only sounds we could hear were those of the river, birds, bush and wind...and the crackling of the Cypress Pine fire as its aroma filled the air. It was just delightful. Suddenly a different noise moved into our earshot. James was first to investigate. Along the track wandered a mare and her new foal. They cruised on past us, the little one tucking tightly in beside mum. Just beautiful!

Sunday 27 October 2013

Coolmunda Dam, QUEENSLAND - Ashford - Bingara, NSW

We were out on the water at sparrow's fart. There was a gaggle of boats not far off the ramp, presumably 'The Spot", so we joined them. Coolmunda was a millpond. There was not a breath of wind and despite being a clear, warm Sunday it was too early for the ski-boaters. They are generally younger than the fisherman, no doubt party Saturday nights and would probably not surface till nine or so. Not like us oldies - raring to go by 6 am. It was delightful just sitting in the tinnie with the sun warming us and the only sound that of the water lapping on the hull. James loves it in the boat when it is calm and there's no crashing and banging, such as happens when I drag the anchor chain over the bow. He hates that. We fished until 8 with only a couple of nibbles. We must not have been in exactly the right location - fish were being caught in boats just 30 feet away.

After breaky and blogging we did our usual 32 km round trip into Inglewood for coffee. Rob at the cafe/antique store makes an excellent cappuccino - surprising in such a small country town. The quaint little old timber building is full of memorabilia and artifacts. It's a good spot to browse. Each morning since arriving at Coolmunda a few days before, we had sat out in the pretty tea garden with James, sipped our coffees and read the paper. What a lovely life!

By the time we got back to the van all bar one of the other half dozen or so camps had packed up. We raced around and scrounged any left-over firewood, then settled back for some reading while watching the speed boats race around the dam pulling skiers or bouncing dare-devils on big rubber inflatables. Between them and the Pelicans we were thoroughly entertained sitting out under the awning.

Late afternoon we headed out to try our luck again. Most of the pleasure craft had pulled the pin for the weekend, so it was once again quiet, though the wind had come up and created a fair chop on the water. Brian used the depth sounder to find a couple of deep holes, the first of which we unintentionally relinquished when we pulled the anchor up to untangle my line. We drifted a few meters and had our 10 meter deep hole immediately jumped on by another angler. Bugger! We moved away to a spot that appeared to be popular over the few days we'd been watching, discovered another hole and actually managed to catch a 37 cm Silver Perch, which Brian filleted out on the water.

When we got back to shore there were several Pelicans near where we moored the boat. BJ cut up the fish carcass and threw the pieces out to them. It was amazing to watch them swallow - you could see the outline of the fish head or tail as it moved from their big saggy bills down their throats.

Monday we needed to do some travel research. We knew we would go south into NSW, but couldn't decide which route. Brian was in the midst of some good sales so phone coverage was a must. Our preference was to head west to follow the Darling River from its source near Hebel on the border, but that was getting pretty remote with phone largely unavailable except in the larger towns like Brewarrina and Bourke. Also we wanted to either dam/lake hop or follow a river system, and be able to get Channel 7 on the coming weekend to watch the V8's race on the Gold Coast. On top of that of course, the location had to be dog-friendly. In the end we took Camps 7 and our Hema Maps with us to coffee and got serious.

The outcome was a decision to depart Coolmunda Tuesday, bypass Goondiwindi and head south to Texas and on to Pindari Dam, a short run of around 100 km. If it ticked the boxes then we would stay a few days, otherwise we would continue on to Bingara where there was river camping, supposedly with phone coverage. Friday we would then move on to Lake Keepit near Gunnedah. We reckoned we'd get TV there. That's as far as we planned, which is not bad for us. It's more often a day to day thing.  

When Rob, the owner of 'Inglewood Coffee Shop and Tea Gardens' brought our cappuccinos outside to us, he stayed and chatted for a while. He wasn't really your average 'country' bloke, much slicker than that - more sophisticated. As it turned out he and his wife left their home on the Gold Coast three years prior and bought the business to fulfill a long-time dream of his wife's - to live in a small country town and run a quaint little cafe. Prior to that he had a trucking business and drove fuel tankers around Australia. We talked about Coolmunda and aired our thoughts that $10 per person per night was a bit rich to camp on a paddock with the only facility being a toilet - no shower, no water, no power - absolutely nothing. Sure, you could drive a couple of kilometers up the road and have free use of those facilities at the caravan park, but councils everywhere, if they're serious about bringing in the Nomads, provide free or super cheap camping. He said he would pass our thoughts on to the Council.

It was after midday by the time we got home. Before starting the boat re-loading, trailer dismantling and packing preparations we went for a walk out along the dam wall. It was bloody long - a couple of k's we estimated (from our camp, for sure) and in the dry 35 degree heat we were all hot and bothered by the time we got back to the boat ramp. James and I enjoyed a cooling dip, then I grabbed an icy-cold VB and guzzled it. I'm definitely not a beer drinker, and couldn't drink a whole can, but there's nothing like a few glugs to quench a raging thirst. Beautiful!

Our last evening at Coolmunda was delightful. There wasn't a breath of wind all day so the water was like glass and the sky went through all shades of blue, mauve and pink as the sun set. We fed the Pelicans the fillets of Perch from the previous day's catch as there was not enough for a meal - and it was more fun to interact with them than eat it. We used the last of wood (except some pieces of my birthday wood), had a beautiful big fire and sat out until quite late. Nice spot!

During our five days at Coolmunda a million tiny bugs decided, for some unknown reason, to adhere themselves to the dewy sides of the van and Beast in the wee hours and die. The van and windows were covered by them. We knew the longer they stayed there the harder they would be to remove, and they looked awful. Once we'd packed and hooked up ready to depart Tuesday morning, we towed the van to a dam water tap (not for drinking) and attached the hose. It took a long time and a lot of rubbing to remove the little blighters.

We were on the road by 9.30, driving the back route into Inglewood so as to collect some firewood from the roadside, then have our coffees at the Tea Gardens and pick up a few supplies from the IGA. From there we headed south 53 km to Texas on a rather narrow strip of bitumen that we moved off several times to let oncoming cattle trucks pass. We did a loop through Texas, a nice country town (pop 900) set in rolling hills and farmland with a river running through it and free camping on the banks. Once over the river we moved from Queensland into NSW and lost an hour in time with Daylight Saving.

The countryside as we continued south reminded us of Central Victoria - very Bonnie Doon like. We passed through Bonshaw on the Bruxner Highway which we left at Lagoon Flat to take a minor road toward Inverell. Ashford, only 22 km down the road was where we needed to turn off to go out to Pindari Dam. Seven kilometers out toward the dam was a free camp by the Severn River known as Wells Crossing. There were ten or so camps set up along the river and it looked good so we stopped to check it out. It certainly ticked the boxes; a quiet, pretty spot with plenty of space, a flowing river and full phone coverage. We set up on the riverbank with lovely views over the stream, farmland and grazing cows.

After some lunch, a read, work for BJ and a wander down by the river with James we took a drive 16 km out to Pindari Dam. It would be a really pretty spot when the water level was high, but it was way down. The camping wasn't as nice as Wells Crossing and there was no phone signal, so we were happy we'd made the decision to prop by the river.

It was happy hour by the time we got back home. That was excellent as it was a pretty warm day - well into the thirties though still, and not a hint of humidity, so very comfortable. I would love to have lit a fire but we had a lot of dry bush around us and with the news of terrible fires burning around the state we decided against it. Instead I played with my Samsung Galaxy Note 111 which is affording me endless entertainment. What a great birthday present I gave to me!

We were tempted to stay at Wells Crossing, but given there were a lot of other free camps ahead that sounded good, we decided to move on. That proved to be a good decision because where we ended up for the day would certainly rate among our top few camps.

The early morning chill abated quickly Wednesday and a warm, gusty wind blew up. We drove into Ashford, disposed of our black waste at the council dump point and headed south to Inverell, 60 odd kilometers away. The countryside was dry, but not excessively so with un-irrigated crops along the way growing lush and green. There were virtually no other vehicles on the undulating road, so we took it at Grey Nomad pace and had a relaxing drive, arriving at Inverell in time for morning coffee.

Inverell (district pop 18,000) is a thriving commercial centre in the New England North West Region of NSW. It is nestled in a picturesque valley beside the Macintyre River on the Gwydir Highway, the east-west link, between the busy New England and Newell Highways. We parked in a side street near the CBD and strolled through the shopping precinct. For a mid-week morning it was a busy place with a large array of main street retail outlets, a large shopping complex, some beautiful old buildings and lots of nice little cafes. We chose one with outdoor seating (for James) and looked out over the attractively landscaped town centre.

From Inverell we headed west on the Gwydir for a few minutes before taking the southbound minor road to Copeton Dam. It was a picturesque drive, climbing through the New England Ranges to the large dam which holds three times the volume of Sydney Harbour. The road transited across the dam wall providing great views, before winding quite steeply down to the valley floor and following the Gwydir River in a westerly direction toward Bingara.

 Camps 7 pinpointed a series of bush camps along the river starting about 10 km out of town. We passed a couple of tight-turn access tracks with camps set on the river bank before coming across one that we could turn into easily. We drove down onto a grassy area with a few shade trees behind it and set up fronting the river, with just enough space to lay the ground mats down. It was a stunning spot looking across the fast-flowing Gwydir to a steep, timbered slope with rocky outcrops. There were 7 or 8 other vans set up, with another 4 or 5 coming in after us, all fronting on to the river with plenty of space between. We had full mobile reception and our neighbours assured us they could get pretty well all TV channels. James instantly gave it his tick of approval and immersed himself in the stream to cool off. Excellent.....we might prop a few days!

Around mid-afternoon the skies darkened and we heard the heavens rumbling. The BOM radar showed a bit of activity heading our way so we lowered one corner of the awning, closed up the vents and windows and waited to get hit, which we did in a fairly short, sharp burst of wind, rain, thunder and lightening. When it had all died down and we were still intact we drove into Bingara for a quick look, but mostly to ascertain if the road in was suitable for us to ride the bikes. It was a pretty hilly ten kilometers, and a tad narrow in the event of traffic, but I was keen. Brian was not so sure. We'd have to see....

At the hint of first light the bird calls started. There were dozens of different sounds that seemed amplified over the water in the dead still of dawn. Laying in bed with all the van windows open they were so clear and distinctly different - from tiny chirps to melodic songs and loud squawks. The sound was beautiful. Given it was Thursday morning we thought we'd better pull the TV out and check out our reception in preparation for the weekend motor racing. We had none. Bugger! Everyone one else camped on the river had antennas up, so we figured they were getting it. We played around for ages with no success, then did some research and decided we needed to add a boosting component known as a Winegard Wingman to our antenna. We could get one from a variety of locations around Australia for around $59, but not delivered in time for the weekend viewing. Bugger again! Our dilemma - to move or not to move. It was such a perfect spot.

We drove into town to top up with water, get cappys, buy NSW fishing licences and do some exploring. Bingara is quite lovely. In the middle of town sits the Roxy Theatre. Built in 1936 it is a restored retro building that still does movies and live performances. It has a cafe and the coffee was excellent. The wide main street is lined with original shop fronts all sitting under long, high verandas lined with pressed tin. It's all well maintained with landscaped plantings in the centre median strip and footpath edges that really enhance the whole feel of the town.

With a population of 1300 Bingara is just big enough to have all the key amenities -  hospital, schools, golf course (with lovely greens), bowling club, two pubs, etc. No Woolworths, Harvey Norman or Bunnings. The streets are all wide (presumably so the horse carts could turn around in the olden days) and the river runs through the end of town creating a lovely natural boundary on one side, while a large hill marks the end of town on another. Its a nice place and clearly popular with travellers. Even in the off season there was a lot of activity happening in the main street. I could imagine that with all the free-camp river frontage available it would be really busy in holiday season.

When we got back to the van we found an old fart had decided to tuck his large van right in between us and the next camp up. What the heck??? He hadn't set up but came up to us and asked if he had left enough room for us to hitch our car and get out, as he was staying a few days. I suggested there was ample open river side space just a little further along - but no - he was staying put. Bugger!

I unloaded the wood from the back of the Beast and set up the fire pit on the down-wind side of the van, which just so happened to be the side he was on. I put it really close to the water and as close as possible to our van and lit it at about 5pm. The grumpy old bugger was sooo put out about the smoke, which was swirling as much as it was wafting in his direction. He didn't address us directly but grumbled loudly to his wife for ages, threatening to tip a bucket of water on it. Given they both had a cigarette hanging constantly out of their mouths you'd think smoke wouldn't be an issue! We were expecting a confrontation but it didn't happen.

We fired up the generator at 8.30 Friday morning. Brian needed to get onto his computer to do some work. Once done we drove into Bingara to empty the loo, get water and have coffee, all of which we did before going up to the lookout on the hill behind town. The views from the top were panoramic. We could see the entire town and surrounding countryside to the south, and the ranges out toward Copeland Dam to the north. We could also follow the Gwydir River as it wound its way along the valley.

Not far out of town we spied a motorhome parked on the riverbank with no other camps around it and in a direct line with the TV towers on top of the hill where we were standing. We decided we should check it out. It took a while to find it as there were quite a few tracks that departed the road at various locations and meandered through the bush beside the river. Eventually we located it and made an instant decision to move. That would not only get us away from the silly old whinger beside us, but would also (hopefully) mean we would get TV reception. It was closer to town as well, which meant that we could ride, or even walk in. We thought it was prettier too with plenty of open, grassy space and only the RV there.

                                          Our van and the motorhome after relocation

It was 11.30 when we arrived back at the van. By 12.30 we had relocated and were set up in our new spot which was just beautiful. The river at this point was wider and and we had views in every direction. I threw a line in and we chilled out with our kindles for a couple of hours. Late afternoon I pulled the bikes off the van, we dusted them down, put the batteries in, left James in the van and rode into town (which took all of seven minutes) and had a drink at the pub.

When we got back I lit a lovely big fire and the motorhome couple, Keith and Janet, brought their chairs over and joined us in front of it until well after dark. They were great company and we had a really nice night.

Saturday was another beautiful day - clear, top of 30 degrees and a bit of a breeze. We walked into town and ordered a couple of huge, delicious breakfasts at the Roxy. It's the first time we'd eaten out in a long time - that was a treat, and it felt good to leave the Beast behind and get around on foot. The main street had a small market happening so we wandered along perusing the stalls. James was most intrigued with a box of tiny chicks that were for sale.

When we got back I did the housework while Brian wired up the 80 watt  portable solar panels we had bought at Helensvale. The van has a 90 watt panel on the roof, but it isn't enough if we are in shade or draw extra power. The the battery reading instantly went from 12.7  to 14.1 volts. In the past our TV had drawn too much power for us to run it on 12 volt for any length of time, but when we plugged it in with the extra solar input it barely made a difference to the reading. Excellent - we could watch the Gold Coast 600 without running the generator.

While in front of the TV I did a bit more research on the Winegard Wingman booster for the antenna and we decided that if it actually allows for a wider band of reception as per the claims, it would be a handy addition to our set up. They were advertised on EBay for as low as $40, but wouldn't allow me to used a Post Office as a delivery address. I found a mob in Queanbeyan advertising them for $50, and ordered it to be Express Post delivered to the Bingara Post Office for $18. We were quite happy to stay put for a week if needs be and wait for it to arrive.

Just as we settled in to watch the V8's we saw a couple of fire trucks go along the fire track high on the hill on the other side of the river. We looked east and saw smoke not far away. I checked my 'Fires Near Me' App and there was a fire burning out of control 2 km away at Bald Knob, as well as a couple of larger ones 20 and 30 km away. Soon after we had aircraft overhead. We kept a close eye on the smoke while we watched the racing, glad that the wind was blowing it away from us, particularly given it was pretty gusty.

By the time the sun started to set there was only a hint of smoke and the wind had died right down. We walked along the river in the direction of the fire but couldn't see anything, so felt reasonably confident that we would not come under threat overnight.

                                This morning the smoke started pluming up fiercely again. Bugger!

Sunday 20 October 2013

Millmerran - Canungra - Coolmunda Dam, SOUTH-EAST QUEENSLAND

Bathurst Sunday! The TV went on at 6am and we pretty much didn't get out of bed all day. That was actually due to the fact that the TV is located in the 'bedroom', so technically it turned into a lounge room for the day. We did manage to fit in a bath for James and Brian got under the van for a bit to see what he could do about the mis-aligned rear axle.

After three quarters of the race it came down to a battle of the heavyweights. Ford versus Holden. It was gripping. Lowndes was flying, Tander was flying and Winterbottom in the lead was holding on for his life, the only one of the three who had never won Bathurst. The last 30 laps of a six and a half hour, 1000 kilometer endurance race turned into an absolute sprint race, with less than a second separating first and second. Amazing!

Ford Performance Racing's Mark Winterbottom takes out this year's Bathurst 1000. Photo: David McCowen.

I'm a Holden girl, but Frosty is one of my favourites and I was really hoping he would win toward the end. It was without doubt the most gutsy driving performance I have ever seen as he drove that Ford like a man possessed to fend off a final lap charge from Whincup. I love the V8 Supercars!

All through Sunday night the wind blew an absolute gale. It was so persistent and strong we couldn't risk trying to roll the awning up so both laid awake pretty much all night waiting to hear it crash onto the roof of the van. Eventually it died down for a short time, so we raced out of bed and got the awning in. Then we snatched a bit of sleep before dawn. We had planned to drive some 250 km to catch up with my daughter, Shelley, her partner Adam and my grandson, Lachlan, who live at the base of Mount Tamborine, not far from the Gold Coast.

We left Millmerran at eight Monday morning heading on minor roads east/south-east to Warwick, driving through fields of grain. The wind was unrelenting and at times threatened to blow us completely off the road. Brian had a heck of a job just to keep us on the narrow, sometimes single-laned strips of bitumen. His concentration was at an absolute peak. We stopped at Warwick (pop approx. 12,500), an attractive south-eastern Queensland regional centre, 128 km from Brisbane.We parked in the pretty, treed main street and walked its length before having a great coffee, and a well-needed break for BJ.

At Warwick we picked up the Cunningham Hwy, climbing up over the Main Range National Park and through Cunninghams Gap toward the Eastern Seaboard. The views from the top of the range were spectacular and while the drive was scenic, the long, steep descent on the eastern side of the range had the brakes really heating up. We departed the highway at Fassifern where it took a more northerly heading for Brisbane, and we continued east passing through Boonah and Beaudesert before arriving at our destination, Canungra, a bit before 2pm. We booked in at the local showgrounds, chose a shady spot with access to power and a delightful bush and creek aspect.

Canungra is a small, picturesque, rural township in the Scenic Rim Region and has a population of around 800. It's primarily a tourist town, being a popular destination for visitors from the Gold Coast and Brisbane. It is also a well-frequented spot for motor bike riders who flock there in droves on weekends to enjoy brunch at one of the old, alfresco cafes or the iconic Canungra Pub. Set in a valley, the slopes around Canungra are steep and forested with some cleared farmlands and rural homes in the flatter valley areas. That's where my daughter lives, just 7 km out of town.

Four year-old Lachy goes to kinder at Canungra, just a short walk from the showgrounds. Shelley picked him up mid-afternoon and they dropped in. It was so lovely to see them! Lachy couldn't get into his bathers quickly enough so as to play in the clear waters of the Canungra Creek, flowing along the edge of the showground boundary. He and James had a great time splashing around, cooling off from the warm afternoon heat.

That night we all sat around the fire in front of the van enjoying pizzas from the shop just around the corner. Lachy was delighted with a box of wood off-cuts that a fellow Grey Nomad had given us when we left Chinchilla Weir. It was destined to delight a small boy rather than kindle our campfires.

Tuesday I had earmarked to totally indulge myself. I was going to buy a just-released 'Samsung Galaxy Note 111' mobile phone. My birthday present (for Thursday) to myself. How exciting! We also wanted to look at portable solar panels to boost our battery power and a small, lightweight generator. That meant a trip into the burbs. It was too warm to consider taking James and leaving him in the Beast, so I took him for a good walk in readiness to spend four or five hours in the van. The showgrounds is an interesting place. There are a couple of stock yards, a big, grassy arena, a couple of smaller, flat arenas, some big out-buildings, a variety of camping areas, some of which are right on the banks of the creek and it abuts a dairy farm with the stream pretty much encircling it. It's a great camp spot with hot showers and toilets as well - all surrounded by bushland, mountains and abundant bird-life. One of the nicer, cheap ($25 with power, $10 without) parks.

I took James down toward the creek and cow paddock. There was a herd of cows grazing just on the other side of the fence. He's right into cows. Often when we are traveling we come across cattle on the outback roads and naturally one of us will say "cows ahead". James can be fast asleep, but as soon as he hears the word "cow" he's sitting up as high as he can, searching for them. This was the first time he'd actually had the opportunity to get up close and personal, and dragged on the lead to get to the fence. The cows saw him coming and backed rapidly away. Then you could see them thinking to themselves; 'hang on, this tiny little thing can't hurt us - let's check it out', and with that they all headed toward him at the same time, snorting and blowing. They were amazingly inquisitive. Well... he shat himself. It was hysterical.

We decided to go to one of the major shopping complexes about 20 km away. We arrived at Helensvale Westfield at 9.30 and went straight to the Telstra Shop where, after maybe 90 minutes, I walked out with my brand new phone, all connected, set up and ready to go. You beauty! Next we found a Ray's Outdoors and bartered with the manager to get a set of 80 watt solar panels from $499 down to $379. Bargain! Then to Bunnings where the cheapest 1000 watt generator was $499 - too expensive. Out with my new phone - look up Masters, it's location and prices on gennies. Half an hour later we paid $98 for a 750 watter, which would be just fine to power our laptops and small stuff. Excellent! Finally to our favorite store, Dan Murphy's. Time to stock up on liquid supplies before heading west to Outback Australia, probably on Thursday.

Brian couldn't get out of the burbs quickly enough. We hightailed it back to the serenity of Canungra to have a play with our toys before going to Shelley and Adam's for dinner.

We woke to a cacophony of bird calls as dawn broke around 5 am Wednesday. The showgrounds at Canungra is really a delightful spot. We spent hours between us on our electronic devices 'doing stuff' - Brian up to his eyeballs in work and me mostly playing with my new toy. After breakfast we strolled into town for a coffee at 'The Outpost', a favorite Bikie haunt and the scene of a Bikie protest that was telecast on TV news the previous weekend. It also sells fantastic pies!

We were back at the van well in time for Shelley to pick us up to go for lunch on Mount Tamborine. Before going up the mountain we drove out past the Army Jungle Training Centre, two or three kilometers out of town, to a free camp at Sharp's Reserve on the Coomera River. We knew we had to be out of the showgrounds by Thursday morning as it was totally booked out by the Historical Military Vehicle Association (or some such thing), and if we wanted to stay longer Sharp's was the best option. It was a great spot. Quite large with lots of river-frontage to camp on, trees, hills, serenity - typical Canungra. Brian was in two minds about staying a few more days. He was really itching to head outback again, though he did love the area.

The drive up to Mount Tamborine was only 10 or so kilometers up a steep road. The views, as you can imagine, are spectacular. Depending on which roads you take at the top you can look for miles out to the east to the Gold Coast and ocean, or to the west and across farmland and distant ranges. Just beautiful! We went to Saint Bernards, an historic old Tudor-style pub that takes its name from the St Bernard dog. Inside a giant St. Bernard lay snoozing on the dark timber floor. He was just beautiful. We went through the lounge and bar area out to the courtyard at the back that sat atop a section of mountain with views to the sea. Shelley shouted me a birthday lunch which was delicious. As we were eating a peacock meandered through the tables displaying his stunning coat of feathers. He looked so elegant.

After a delightful afternoon Shelley dropped us back to the van. Brian still had heaps of work to do. He had decided we should head off in the morning, so I arranged with Shell for a 'sausage-in-bread' dinner for our last night together. I made a nice big fire, Adam brought a load of wood from home, Lachy played 'spotlighting' with Grumpy's torch and we enjoyed a very pleasant evening.

Thursday, October 17th. My birthday! Brian gave me a card with a naked old couple on the front. They were playing golf. The dialogue balloon coming from the granny said "This is a lot of fun dear". On the inside of the card she says, "But when I said let's get naked and play around, this wasn't what I meant".

Shell and Lachy arrived at the van early with a load of wood, a bunch of garden flowers and big hugs. Lovely presents! We were packed and ready to go, so we drove into Canungra, parked the Beast and van and went to Cafe Metz for cappuccinos and chocolate milk. Then we said our goodbyes and hit the road with a planned journey of 260 kilometers to Coolmunda Dam, half way between Warwick and Goondiwindi. We had added a fair bit more weight to the back of the Beast with Shelley's delivery and the new generator. It was really noticeable, mostly in the steering. Not far out of Canungra we pulled over and off-loaded four of the larger pieces of wood - a shame for us but lucky for some other pyromaniac (like me). It made quite a difference.

We drove back through Beaudesert, Boonah, the Cunningham Gap and Warwick, then south-west toward Inglewood, turning off the highway 16 km short of it to Coolmunda. Camps 7 had listed a free camp 5 km in, but when we arrived there it was closed off. Fortunately we had passed a camping area adjacent to the boat ramp back near the turn-off, so we went back, called the number on the sign at the entry gate and was told we could set up anywhere. Someone would come around at 5pm and collect $10 per person camp fees. Pretty exy given it was just a paddock with a toilet block - no showers, power, facilities etc. It was very basic, but a lovely spot, so we pulled in and set up near the water's edge, well away from the only other van there.

When we arrived the skies were clear and the thermometer in the van read 33 degrees. As the afternoon wore on the wind really blew up, then some dark clouds appeared on the horizon. By sunset we could see masses of lightening to the south-west, and sat by the beautiful fire I'd built being fully entertained by nature for ages. We cooked spuds on the coals for dinner, stuffed them with coleslaw and other yummy things and had just enough time to eat them before the rain started.

It rained heavily several times throughout the night. By the time we got up it was dry, though relatively cool and partially cloudy. We were getting ready to go exploring in Inglewood when a bloke drove up and stopped at the van. He introduced himself as 'Ross', the owner of the adjacent property and house a few hundred meters up the hill. He was on for a chat. Ross was full of local information, advice and opinion...some of it of value. We did find out (among a lot of other things) the best spot to fish, what was being caught on what bait, that we got 12 mm of rain during the night, how to get into town via the back road, that Bourke is a great spot and where to get a good coffee in Inglewood. We managed to extricate ourselves from the conversation after about 40 minutes. He could really talk!

We went into town as per Ross's directions, found the coffee shop and had a couple of really excellent cappuccinos served by the very friendly owner, Rob. Inglewood is situated on the Cunningham Highway on the banks of the Macintyre Brook. The quaint little town of around 800 residents was established in 1872 and it would appear there is a keen gardener in their midst who keeps the main street looking beautiful. There are gorgeous little built-up garden beds along the footpath interspersed with lovely big palm trees. The main street, which is on the highway, has three pubs, an IGA, a bakery built around a railway carriage and a dozen or so other businesses. The region is predominantly a farming area consisting of (according to my research) mostly small to medium-sized family owned properties (like Ross's) and a few larger corporate holdings.

Not long after we got home the sky started to darken...and darken...and darken. The radar, when we checked, was lighting up with intense colors and Shelley texted to advise there were severe storm warnings for our area, so we knew we were in for a big one. We packed up the chairs, generator and beer fridge, rolled up the awning and watched as almost 180 degrees of front approached with arcs and sparks, crashes and bangs. The wind howled around us, rocking the van and turning the lake into a churning mass of whitecaps. The rain was torrential. The three of us tucked up on the bed and cozily waited out close to three hours of storm. It was excellent!

Late afternoon we emerged from the van. The rain had stopped and the sun was peeping through the breaking clouds, but the wind was still blowing a gale and it was bloody cold. Brian stayed in hibernation. Not James and I. We stoked up a big fire, rugged up and watched as dusk approached and a full moon rose into a clear night sky. The moonlight reflected across the water was beautiful.

Saturday morning dawned clear, calm and sunny. The tinnie would definitely come down from its perch atop the Beast today. Brian launched himself into action early and by nine the boat was on the trailer ready to go. By the time we had done coffee in town, explored the district a little further, BJ had caught up on some work, read the paper (a rare treat) and rigged the lines, it was early afternoon. It's amazing how the days slide by! The dam had become quite busy. The first fisho went out just before 5 am, and by lunchtime there were dozens of craft on the water - jet skis, ski boats, fishing boats and kayaks. The place was abuzz, but with plenty of space it wasn't at all crowded.

Coolmunda Dam (according to wiki) has a surface area of 1740 ha, holds 75,000 ML of water and at 100% capacity is an average depth of 4.3 meters. Constructed in 1968 for irrigation purposes, it is fed by the Macintyre Brook, with Bracker Creek and Sandy Creek also providing inflows. Coolmunda Restocking Group Inc have released Murray Cod, Silver Perch and Yellowbelly into the dam, making it a popular spot for anglers. It's an open piece of water on mainly flat countryside. With very little to provide shelter it can, as we had observed, get really rough in windy weather.

It was still quite calm when we launched around 1pm. We fished for close to two hours, using big fat worms for bait. The depth sounder was working which enabled us to locate the original creek bed and anchor in over 10 meters of water. That didn't work so we moved...and moved...and moved without so much as a nip. We eventually gave up and moored the tinnie out in front of the van, heartened to see a couple of guys in another camp cleaning what appeared to be several large fish. We must have been in the wrong spot, using the wrong bait, wrong rigging, wrong time of day....or just bloody unlucky. No matter, there's always tomorrow.

As appeared to be the norm, the wind came up late in the afternoon. It was still comfortably warm though, and with a fire to take the chill off the night air,we sat out until bedtime.